


Awarded to member churches already engaged in the mission of God, to further encourage and equip them in their mission and ministry


Mission Partnership Grants (MPAG)

Minister in Training (MIT) Training Grant (MITTG)

Resourcing Grants (RG)


Targetted Mission Grants

Awarded to member churches to enable them to respond to the mission needs of their community as part of their ongoing mission and ministry.

Grants must benefit the community which the church is seeking to serve.


Mission Project Grants (MPG)

Mission Micro Grants (MMG)



Equipping Grants

Awarded to develop the giftings of those within our EMBA churches.  These grants seek to enhance the skills and opportunities of individuals, to then benefit both themselves and the church.


Equipping Grants 


Building Development Grants

Awarded to support member churches in the maintenance, renewal and development of their buildings.


Small Building Project Grants


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