Ministerial Development Support

Nick has served in Baptist ministry for 28 years, following a career in the RAF where, among other things, he trained recruits. He is married to Sue, a NHS clinical educator and they have two grown up children and a granddaughter.

Nick is a keen hiker, plays chess and supports Nottingham Forest! He is currently the Associate Minister at Whetstone Baptist Church, majoring in discipleship, pastoral care and training.

Since graduating from Spurgeon’s College and whilst serving as local pastor, Nick trained in mentoring and coaching and then qualified as a spiritual accompanier and as a pastoral supervisor.

In the last few years, Nick has been involved in the training of spiritual directors at Launde Abbey and serves on the team at the Institute of Pastoral Counselling and Supervision in Nottingham, training pastoral supervisors.

Nick offers spiritual accompaniment, mentoring and pastoral supervision to a number of serving pastors and chaplains and is committed to helping ministers find the most appropriate supportive network that will help them to develop both spiritually and in the delivery of their ministry.

Nick’s main role is therefore to help ministers consider which of the supportive disciplines recommended as part of the CMD initiative would meet their predominant need at this stage of life

Coaching      Mentoring      Pastoral Supervision      Spiritual Accompaniment.

Soul Friendship    Learning Communities.

For more information on CMD on the Baptists Together website CLICK HERE

Nick will also be acting as the EMBA’s reference point for any ministers who are looking for a pastoral supervisor, would like to explore soul-friendship or are interested in creating a learning community.

Email Nick 

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