Children, Young People & Families (CYF)

The EMBA seeks to ‘serve East Midlands Baptists in Mission through growing healthy churches'. 

One of the ways we do this is by supporting people who are working with children, young people and their families, either in paid roles or as volunteers, as they run toddler groups, Messy Churches, Sunday School, and youth groups or work in schools, youth clubs and elsewhere. 

We also want to be alongside churches as they think about reaching out to share God’s love with the 95% of under 18s who are not in our churches.  If a conversation with our CYF Associate, Sarah Fegredo, would help, you can find her contact information below.


Children and Youth Workers Gathering 2025

If you work with children and young people, whether as a paid worker or a volunteer, this event is for you.

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Some helpful resources for ministry with under 18s


Mental Health and Wellbeing

Mental Health Resources for Children, young people and their families


Training Courses for CYF Ministry

Training course options from the EMBA and elsewhere


Sarah Fegredo - CYF Associate

Our CYF Associate, Sarah Fegredo can help you think through your ministry with children, young people and their family

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