Pioneers Explained

A pioneer typically ...

Focusses on the "95%" - those who do not regularly attend a Sunday church service

A pioneer keeps their attention on those outside the church, thinking how the Good News becomes accessible to those who do not know our 'Christian language' or have no Bible knowledge. They do not expect people to 'come to us', but instead are comfortable sharing 'out in the wild', operating in everyday and diverse places.



Talks Kingdom more than Church

A pioneer looks for activity and outcomes that resonate with the Kingdom of God, even if that activity is taking place outside a typical church. They feel keenly issues of justice and ache where there is a lack of wholeness in the wider community. They will generate ideas to bring Kingdom light into these areas, identifying and working with other Christians who share the same passions even if they are members of other churches or come from different Christian backgrounds. Their motivation is to see 'Kingdom Fruit'.

Is content to pray and see what emerges rather than requiring a detailed plan in advance

A pioneer is happy to venture into the not-yet-known. With their passion, inspiration and ideas they will venture forward without needing everything to be planned out. Living by the phrase 'see where God leads' they will first pray, tentatively venture forward, and look to see what emerges. This can be quite different to a well-researched and scoped out project or church plant initiative: what exactly the end result will look like is not known, and the pioneer is comfortable with this.




Is far less focussed on buildings/Sunday gatherings as centres of gravity

A pioneer, pursing a Kingdom passion and calling, will want to see people discover Christ and His Kingdom. They will recognise the need for discipleship, nurturing and growth for newcomers - yet they will not see it necessary to have a fixed building or central Sunday gathering for this work to progress. Instead they will be happy to meet people in diverse places and ways, perhaps without a fixed frequency. This does not mean that aspects like discipleship, worship, or meeting together are unimportant! Instead they will understand 'church' as happening in diverse places and times, characterised as lives lived in worship, forming genuine community, and joining with God in expressions of His mission.

Pioneers often find themselves working outside the classic church structures, perhaps in a very small team or even sometimes alone. They have to be self-starters and motivated by sticking to their core God-given convictions. Naturally this can be challenging, so finding networks of  'like minded' people is important, as is finding accountability partners and other relationships that help them stay the course in a Godly way.

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