
Rooted is the EMBA’s commitment to equip ministers and leaders for contemporary ministry and to help churches engage in mission and ministry in our ever-changing world. 

Themed days (usually three) are held each year that provide an opportunity to reflect theologically and practically on a particular aspect of ministry.  The day is broadly aimed at either Ministers and Pastors (Rooted for Ministers), wider church leadership teams, including ministers and pastors (Rooted for Leaders), or open to anyone connected to our churches (Rooted for Everyone).

The days are participative and delivered by experienced and knowledgeable speakers. Themes explored so far include creative discipleship, understanding cultural change, and engaging missionally with new housing estates. Further sessions are always being planned and developed and will be displayed on this page.

All sessions are delivered free of charge to EMBA churches, although donations are always welcome to offset costs. We are always happy to receive suggestions for topics or themes to be explored.


Rooted for Ministers: Leadership to Grow Churches

Wednesday 20th November 9.30am -1.30pm - Broadway Baptist Church, Derby

Rev Mark Clay - EMBA Regional Team Leader

More details to follow but put the date in your diary

Previous Rooted Events

Rooted for Everyone: Hearing the Voice of the Child

Saturday 27th April

Rev Dr Linda Hopkins led this Rooted day. She is a Baptist minister who trained as a Youth and Community worker.  She was the Whitley Lecturer for 2023 and has published some of her research findings in "Learning from Young People's Experiences of Baptist Communion: Re-envisioning the Meal as a Space for Nurturing Faith" 
She says: 

"Where and how are children and young people heard and participating in Baptist church life?  This seems as pertinent a question now as it ever has been, as we think about not only the place of children and young people in church but how they are included and involved, as well as the attention we give to their growth and outworking of faith.  Hearing from and involving children and young people enriches the whole church as we grow and learn together.

Linda's book is available HERE

Following the day, Linda has made some of her resources available.  Contact Sarah Fegredo, CYF Associate if you would like a copy of them.


Mission Outside the Church Walls - April 2021

Speaker: Revd Peter Dunn (European Director of Biglife Ministries and YBA Mission Enabler)

You can watch the recording here

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