EMBA Working Groups

EMBA Grants Group

Seek to review and discern the grants to be awarded to EMBA churches.  The group also help to inform the mission grant strategy and practice for the Association.

EMBA Ministerial Recognition Comittee (MRC)

Responsible for interviewing, advising and commending candidates who are exploring a call to Baptist ministry.

EMBA Ministers' Conference Planning Group

Plans and organises the annual Ministers’ Conference which takes place at The Hayes, Swanwick in February each year for three days.  It’s a time of theological reflection, learning, renewal, fellowship and rest.  The conference consists of times of worship, teaching and prayer alongside space for retreat, recreation and fellowship. 

EMBA Safeguarding Team

Seek to offer support and advice to our churches when safeguarding situations arise as well as organising and delivering the BUGB ‘Excellence in Safeguarding’ training courses to equip our church leaders and volunteer workers.

EMBA Women's Day Planning Group

Plans and organises the annual Women’s Day Conference.  The conference is open to women (of all ages) from across the Association, providing an opportunity to network, meet new faces, be challenged and inspired and ultimately be refreshed and renewed in living out God’s plans and purposes.  

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