Pioneers in the EMBA

A pioneer is someone with an entrepreneurial God-given spirit, able and willing to embark on a new venture, with others who dare to see a new opportunity. They are the dreamers, risk-takers and explorers among us - using their imagination to listen, respond and creatively join with the Spirit.

A group of Baptist pioneers within EMBA captured this paragraph as their own definition of a pioneer, as they set out to support and encourage pioneers and pioneering initiatives across the region. The sections and links below give more insight into pioneers and their initiatives, as well as how to make contact and find resources to be encouraged and get started.

Pioneers Explained

What is a pioneer? A deeper look at the characteristics of pioneers - the way they think and operate


Pioneer Stories

A number of Baptist pioneers are working in different contexts across the EMBA area – here are their stories

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Pioneers Group and EMBA Associate for Pioneering Support

Sue Steer coordinates the mutual support of pioneers across the region, which includes meeting on Zoom and gathering for our own pioneer-focused retreat days. Sue is always keen to hear from any interested in pioneering.

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